“The angel said, ‘Don’t be afraid. I’m here to announce a great and joyful event that is meant for everybody, worldwide!’” – Luke 2:10 MSG
What a joy it was to begin the Christmas season with Road to Bethlehem for the fourth year! This new and beloved camp tradition brings to life the timeless story of a God who chooses to be with us—Immanuel.
This year’s event may have been the most thrilling yet, as congregations were invited to take greater ownership of the interactive stations. Roman soldiers stopped “travelers” in their horseless iron carts, immersing families in the sights and sounds of Bethlehem. A heavenly choir of angels sang out over the Pool Hill, while live animals, family-friendly crafts, and engaging games added to the festive atmosphere.

Perhaps the wonder of this year was best captured in the words of an 8-year-old volunteer who beamed with excitement, sharing, “I got to read the Bible passage 29 times!”
This joyful story never gets old. It is the impossible story of a God who entered the world as a single cell—fully human and vulnerable, yet somehow also fully divine. How extraordinary to pause and reflect together on the depth of God’s love for us, revealed in a tiny newborn babe. Each time we share this story—in word or action—the Spirit of the Lord is at work, proclaiming good news for the whole world.
And this good news isn’t just for the Christmas season. At camp, this message is lived out every day through radical hospitality, transformative programming, and the tangible power of God’s love at work.
As you gather with loved ones this holiday season, we invite you to follow the example of the angels—and of that young volunteer—who couldn’t contain their joy at sharing this story. One of the most impactful ways you can do this is by inviting a young person or family to experience Summer Camp. We know that camp fosters faith, healthy self-confidence, and deepened empathy, in partnership with home faith communities. But families may not know about these life-changing opportunities unless someone shares the invitation.
So, share boldly! Share excitedly! Just as the angels proclaimed the birth of Jesus, share all the ways we can still encounter Immanuel—the God who is always with us—here at Sugar Creek Bible Camp.
Merry Christmas to the entire Sugar Creek family! May the joy of Christ’s birth fill your hearts and lives today and always.