By Deacon Stephanie Engel
Children, youth, and young adults today are facing a mental health crisis. It is severely affects their ability to succeed in school, build healthy relationships, and develop self-confidence. This summer at Sugar Creek Bible Camp, not a day went by without a heartfelt conversation about mental health with our campers and staff. Our young people are struggling under the weight of distrust, global violence, isolation, and immense pressure. With pandemic disruptions in their education and social development, many lack the coping skills they need to thrive. While this crisis may make it harder for campers to attend, it’s also the very reason why our young people need camp more than ever.
The World Council of Churches has now called upon faith communities to take action in supporting youth mental health. How? By doing what we naturally do at camp: creating cross-generational, faith-centered spaces where trust, care, acceptance, and open communication are at the heart of every relationship. Our campers practice building tenacity, empathy, and problem-solving skills each day through horse rides, interactive bible studies, preparing meals over the campfire, cooperative games, and daily living together. At Sugar Creek, campers experience a break from technology and the stresses of life, immersing themselves in nature while practicing the vital skills they’ll carry home with them. One staff member reflected, “This school year has been my best one yet because, after working at camp, I finally believe in myself.”
Your support did this. Your help is more crucial than ever in continuing this life-changing work. With your help, we can ensure our Summer Staff receive quality mental health training and continue offering programs like Peer Ministry for Camps, which nurtures essential social skills. You can also make a difference by encouraging young people in your life to experience camp for themselves and discover the empowering transformation that awaits in this sacred valley.
Sugar Creek invites you to partner with us in even more ways. We’d love to bring camp to your community by hosting outdoor ministry presentations, cross-generational team-building activities, or training sessions on how to connect with youth. Together, we can join God in making a deep and lasting impact that will help shape a brighter, healthier future for all.