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Make a Difference: Support Sugar Creek Before the Year Ends!

Summer camp at Sugar Creek is a truly special experience. From morning mist on the bluffs to discovering new creatures along the creek and sharing laughs around the campfire, it’s a place where kids can explore who they are and grow in faith. Your donation makes this all possible, opening the door for kids and families to experience faith in action, servant leadership, self-confidence, and real joy.
Every dollar you give goes to Camperships, making sure camp is affordable for everyone, no matter their financial situation. Together, we can help more kids unplug, connect with God, and take home faith, hope, and love that last a lifetime. Let’s make an even bigger impact this year – thank you for being part of this amazing ministry!
Make a Gift Today
- Give child
ren this much-needed, long-lasting Hope, Faith, and Encouragement – Online donations are safe, fast, and secure. Help more people experience God’s message of hope, faith, and personal connection to others. Your gift expands what Bible camp does and increases the number of kids & families able to be engaged in this ministry.
Donate as a Sustaining Giver
Give Monthly to Sustain the ministry all year. Summer Bible camp is always at least a 16-month project, and these expenses take place over time. Sugar Creek also hosts multiple programs and events nearly every weekend of the year. God provides! Thank you for being blessed into playing a role in sustaining that important ongoing work with churches, families and partner organizations. We hope you will make Sugar Creek part of YOUR ministry to the Church and world this year.
Join the Birthday Club!

Donate a Wish List Item(s)
- Enjoy shopping? Need space in your garage? Specific items are needed to support your efforts in this ministry! As a 501c3 nonprofit, gifts to Sugar Creek are typically 100% tax deductible. We will provide you a receipt. Do you know where to find any of these items?
Program Supplies & Gear for kids’ activities & important needs
- Tents Used or new 4+ person tents needed for helping kids experience the outdoors! Eureka Timberline Outfitter 4 model is best; any good-condition rain-proof tents are welcome.
- Arts & Crafts General art supplies for 1200+ kids/summer!
- Office Supplies Paper, pens, markers, note pads… you may get the bonus of a clean closet!
- Tarps of all sizes for tents, firewood, shelters (canvas) and year-round projects
- Backpacks external frame backpacks, 45+ liter capacity for hiking
- Digital Piano good quality for worship (Yamaha Clavinova or Kawai strongly preferred)
- Life Jackets newer “vest-style” PFDs, all sizes needed
- Outdoor Games VB net, sports balls, croquet sets, bocce ball, frisbee
- Pool Toys beach balls, pool noodles, inflatables, sun screen (30+ SPF)
- Health Supplies to supply the summer nurse’s station
Vehicles transport Youth Ministry staff, maintain facilities, or sell to help fund life-changing programs at your Bible camp
- Vehicles land, air, or sea! (Yes, for real…!) For summer camp travels and year-round ministry visits. We will use – or sell for top dollar if you prefer, to fund the ministry. Ready to trade in your used car? Please consider a (usually MUCH larger!) tax-deductible gift to your Bible camp!
- Minivans a good minivan is especially needed
- 4 wheeler or UTV to care well for trails and forests through the 661-acres of your camp
- Tractor or 4wd loader. 25+ hp needed.
- Cargo Trailer Have you used yours frequently this year? Your Bible camp DEFINITELY could! Enclosed cargo trailer (5×10 or 6×12) needed for NEW traveling youth ministry teams, etc.
Indoors for serving Camp Guests
- Vacuum Cleaner – commercial vacuum cleaners or Shark brand for guest cabins
- DVD Player or Blu-ray player, for presentations and retreat guests
- Washers & Dryers large capacity washer or a 220V electric dryer Good used = OK!
- Kitchen Supplies commercial equipment for 3 lodge kitchens
- TV 55″ or larger, for retreat groups and meetings
- Digital Cameras to help show more people God’s love at work at Bible camp…
Farm and Shop care for & expand camp facilities
- Cattle Panels 16′ x 50″ panels – for small farm animal pens at the new Frontier Farm!
- Gravel or Blacktop or money to complete small road projects
- Lumber Got boards in the garage? Prefer more space? Share the stockpile to help improve your Bible camp facilities. New or used boards are ALWAYS needed for projects at camp.
- Trees and Perennials Help beautify your camp, in sun and shade.
- Tools Hand tools, power tools, shovels & rakes for service projects, even “free after rebate” Menards paint brushes and misc. supplies, cotton or leather gloves for volunteers, safety glasses, old tool boxes, etc. – lots to build at Sugar Creek!
- Rebate Cards or gift certificates to hardware stores
- Guard Rail Ties 6×8′ or 8×8′ treated beams, or RR ties, for landscaping. Used beams are OK.
- MIG Welder Welder, welding supplies, cutting torch
- Fence and Fence Posts Steel “T” posts, round wood posts, garden fence, etc.
- Horses Must be of gentle temperament for young riders
- Tack Saddles, blankets, riding gear: good, quality tack
- Hay of the quality for horses
- Items we CANNOT use – Please do not drop off:
- Organs, old pianos – pianos must be approved by the Director.
- Well-used or stained furniture – Hospitality first. Camp is rustic, but clean. 🙂
- Nice furniture – new or used, please send pictures first to before sending a load of furniture. It may or may not be ideal for guests in a particular space.
- Old printers, appliances, tube TVs – but we DO often need of washers & dryers, freezers, and refrigerators.
- Damaged items for Auction – our annual Fall Festival & Quilt Auction fundraiser is limited to beautiful hand-made quilts, valuable local hand-crafted woodworking, and a few high end specialty items. Other nice items may be placed in the “Country Store” for sale to benefit the same ministry. Please call with any questions.
- Organs, old pianos – pianos must be approved by the Director.
Tuesdays Nearly every week brings you a “Volunteer Tuesday.” You can belong and truly make a difference on our small, fun, friendly volunteer crews. Just think of all the new tools you can finally have the excuse to buy! Help with important safety & hospitality projects. Or schedule a visit anytime with friends, family, coworkers, etc. to lend your hands to other projects such as…
- Indoor Projects
- Office – help in our busy, good-humored office
- Mailings – help put together a bulk mailing (call for dates)
- Paint, clean, arrange, fix, beautify, bless… 25+ buildings with lodging we care for year-round
- Office – help in our busy, good-humored office
- Outdoor Projects
- Protect – stain decks; paint indoors or out; replace trim, siding or roofs; replace boards on horse fences or railings; etc.
- Hiking Trails – trim branches and clear paths. You’ll always find miles of opportunity!
- Cut & stock firewood to enhance worship at campfires, heat buildings, etc.
- Make log benches for campfire rings
- Fencing – fix various fences: wood, wire, panel fences, etc.
- Reinforce trails – to prevent erosion at key spots
- Heavy equipment – often needed for bigger projects
- LOTS of outdoor jobs for individuals, youth/adult groups & families. Camp needs change daily. Please ask for and share ideas! We’d love to talk. 🙂
- Protect – stain decks; paint indoors or out; replace trim, siding or roofs; replace boards on horse fences or railings; etc.
- Electrician for small and medium projects around camp
- Plumber consultation and improvements welcome for efficiency and longevity
- Mechanic ongoing maintenance is a priority with our vehicle fleet. Professionals & amateur gear-heads especially appreciated
- Carpenter or handy-person for small repairs and upgrades
- Other? Do YOU have special skills or gifts you could offer to a Bible camp? We’d love to hear from you… Let us share specific needs and hear how you would like to be part of this awesome ministry!
Call 608-734-3113 to explore ways to help with Jesse Klosterboer, Executive Director. We’d love to hear and share how you may play a role in this far-reaching ministry. Thank you!
- Indoor Projects